Quality over Quantity

fitness golf performance lifestyle Aug 14, 2024

I recently had an onboarding call with a client who was eager to improve their game but was concerned about balancing their busy lifestyle with an effective fitness routine. We discussed at length the optimal amount of time they could dedicate to training versus the ideal plan that would support their goals without overwhelming their schedule.

Through this conversation, we identified a crucial point: the best workout plan isn’t the one that demands the most time but the one that you can consistently stick to. A tailored plan that integrates seamlessly into your life, even if it involves fewer hours, will ultimately yield better results over time than an overly ambitious routine that’s difficult to maintain.

Creating a Sustainable Fitness Routine

So, how do you build a fitness routine that supports your golf game and fits into your life? Here are a few tips:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Start by defining what you want to achieve—whether it’s improving your swing speed, increasing flexibility, or simply staying injury-free. Your goals should guide the structure of your routine.
  2. Prioritize Key Movements: Focus on movements rather than muscles making sure you are pulling, pushing, squating, hinging and rotating. These areas are crucial for golfers and should be at the heart of your routine.
  3. Fit the Plan to Your Schedule: Be honest about how much time you can dedicate to training each week. Whether it's 30 minutes a day or a couple of longer sessions per week, consistency is what matters most.
  4. Mix It Up: Once you have set your goals, build your plan & keep your routine engaging by varying your exercises. Include things you like, whilst not ignoring the important compound movements.
  5. Listen to Your Body: Rest and recovery are as important as the workout itself. Make sure your routine includes adequate time for recovery, preventing burnout and reducing the risk of injury.

Consistency is King

At the end of the day, the most effective fitness routine is the one you can consistently follow. It’s better to commit to a manageable plan that you can stick to long-term than to start an intense program that you’ll abandon after a few weeks. By aligning your fitness routine with your lifestyle, you’ll not only improve your golf game but also enjoy the process, making it easier to stay consistent.

Remember, consistency isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. Every workout, no matter how small, is a step closer to your goals. So build a routine that works for you, and watch as your game—and your body—elevates to new heights.

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